
Setup Test with Sudoo-Triforce

Make sure @sudoo/triforce package is installed as one of your devDependencies in the package.json.

Setup Mocha for TypeScript

Create a .mocharc file with the following content.

    "spec": [
    "extends": "@sudoo/mocha-config"

If your project include React Web tsx code, add react config as well, please note that the @sudoo/mocha-config-react already include all config in @sudoo/mocha-config, so, you are not suppose to extends both package.

    "spec": [
    "extends": "@sudoo/mocha-config-react"

If your project include React Native tsx code, add react config as well, please note that the @sudoo/mocha-config-react-native already include all config in @sudoo/mocha-config, so, you are not suppose to extends both package.

    "spec": [
    "extends": "@sudoo/mocha-config-react-native"